Pre Training Assessment Booking Form

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

UGBA Novice Gundog Working Test Winner 2010

Russlayne Bracken “Poppy” Labrador Retriever Wins the UGBA Novice Working Test. Owner & handler Stewart North

United Gundog Breeders Association Novice Working Test Sunday 28th March 2010, Leighton Estate, Shropshire by kind invitation of Mr. & Mrs. M. W. Corrie ~ Judges Mr. K Brady, Mr. D Kirkby, Mr. W Tombs, Mr. L Jackson,
Chief Steward Mr. M Bradbury

Having attended a dinner party the night before and also having to remember British Summer time had arrived !, my friends, would have placed bets on me arriving late for this event! .....they would have lost, as I managed to arrive just 5 minutes early.

I entered two gundogs Labrador Retriever Russlayne Bracken call name “Poppy” and Golden Retriever Penmeadhouse Tamar call name “Tamar”.( Owned by Mrs. G Clarke).

After the usual introductions the dogs were split into 4 groups and I was asked to start on the water Test 4, which was the one I was dreading as Tamar had been struggling on water training.

Test 4 under Judge Wendy Tombs involved a single mark with shot over a fence into water. Much to my surprise both Poppy & Tamar completed this task very well. Poppy completed the retrieve on one command and entered the water directly without any problem. Tamar did not entry the water directly, she went around the pond for an easier entry, but completed the retrieve without any problem.

Test 3 under Judge Kevin Brady involved the retrieving of 2 blinds without shot in woodland, which simulated a typical picking up exercise, the blinds were placed in cover on the far bank of a deep gully with a small stream, both Poppy & Tamar completed this task very well, Tamar required a few more commands.

Test 2 under Judge David Kirkby involved a blind retrieve with a mark distraction to gunshot; the mark was short and clearly visible to the gundogs. Poppy completed this exercise on 2 commands and made it look very easy. Unfortunately the same could not be said for Tamar, she could remove her focus on the distraction and lost confidence on the blind, I eventually called her up, after several attempts to keep her away from the distraction.

Test 1 under Judge Leigh Jackson was a single long mark in cover with shot into wind on a steep bank. Tamar was first to go this time, and overshot the mark at pace, stopped first time on the whistle at top of bank, after a slight recall, she caught the retrieve on the wind. Poppy went out well, slightly touch the retrieve on the outrun but did not believe her nose; she turned without the aid of the whistle and winded the retrieved as she moved into the area.

The judges then got together with their books and called dogs 2 & 9 for a runoff, both gundogs completed a long mark in similar cover and location to Test 1 but from a different angle, both dogs completed the retrieves very well, number 9 was slightly more difficult, but the difference was very minor.

The awards were presented by the chief steward, who thank the host, judges and helpers and then announced the awards.

I was highly delighted to receive first place with Russlayne Bracken “Poppy”, Stewart North, I was then was asked to respond and gave thanks to the host, judges & helpers and commented that the competitors had been friendly and the tests had been challenging for the gundogs involved.


UGBA Novice Working Test Awards

1st Stewart North Russlayne Bracken Lab B 210308

2nd Fiona Smith Canje Nic Nac 210807

3rd Mrs. P Dixon Boddelwyddan Knight 120708

Other gundogs were in the awards, but I do not have the details available at the time of this report.

Friday, 26 March 2010

Midland Gundog Society Novice Working Test 25th April 2010

Midland Gundog Society have released their working test schedule for 2010.

These events are a great way to introduce your gundog to field work and the society is well organised and friendly.

Midland Gundog Society Novice working Test 25th April 2010

Working Gundogs

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Dukeries Gundog Club

Dukeries Gundog Club Start off a new training season... apply for membership and enjoy what this club offers.

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Gundog

The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, or Toller for short, is one of the most unusual breeds of gundogs in how the dog works. The hunter stays hidden in a hide and sends the dog out to romp and plays near the water, usually by tossing a ball or stick to be retrieved. Just like the fox the dog's activity and white markings pique the curiosity of waterfowl, which swim over to investigate. The act of enticing or luring game to approach is known as "tolling". When the birds are close, the hunter calls the dog back to the hide, then rises, putting the birds to flight, allowing him a shot. The Toller then retrieves any shot game. This is Florence who has been gundog training at Mrs J parker has recently completed a Gundog Club Grade 2 training course with trainer Stewart North.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Yuletide Mistletoe Retriever Gundog Successful Mating

Gundogs Labrador Retriever Yuletide Mistletoe (Ruari) had another successful mating today with Ebony Olive see web site for enquiries.


Thursday, 11 March 2010

Dangerous Dogs Report from Countryside Alliance

On Tuesday the Government launched a consultation on 'Dangerous Dogs' with a fanfare of media coverage about a 12 fold increase in dog fighting and a rising number of dog attacks on postal workers. These issues may, as Ministers suggest, be of growing public concern, but some of the 'solutions' proposed in the consultation bare little, if any, relation to the problems they are supposed to address.

The first problem is that despite the consultation supposedly being on 'Dangerous Dogs' the most fundamental proposals actually affect all dogs and all dog ownership. The consultation suggests that all dogs should be chipped, and that all dogs should have third party liability insurance. This is a classic example of the Government identifying a problem (i.e. reading about it in the tabloids) and then promoting 'eye-catching' solutions which would not actually address the original problem. We all know that the last people who will ever have their dogs micro-chipped or insure them are those who own dogs to fight them or use them as weapons or to intimidate. The burden of these proposals will fall not on those who are a problem, but on those who are no problem at all. Law abiding dog owners whose dogs never pose a threat to anyone will pay millions of pound to chip and insure their dogs whilst the owners of problem dogs continue to ignore the law.

In fact the consultation makes this point itself when it reviews the current legislative framework for dangerous dogs. The Dangerous Dogs Act was amended in 1997 to add a provision for an Index of Exempted Dogs which is essentially a database of dogs of a type prohibited by the Act, which have a stay of execution called a Contingent Destruction Order conditional on a series of requirements from micro-chipping to muzzling. A rapidly growing number of dogs on the Index are not having their third party liability renewed which Defra says is: "indicative that some of the other requirements (muzzled and on a lead in the charge of someone over 16 years old at all times when in a public place) are not being adhered to either". So the Government accepts that a sizeable proportion of those who have already been identified as owning dangerous dogs are ignoring the explicit restrictions put on them. What hope is there that these sort of people are going to comply with new rules on micro-chipping and insurance?

There are amendments that could be made to improve the current legislation, but in the end dangerous dogs are a social problem in exactly the same way as illegal firearms and knife crime. The solution, beyond dealing with the socio-economic problems that create the problem, is effective enforcement in all communities from urban areas where gang culture dominates, to the travelling community. Just last year Defra said that "legislation was sound" in relation to dangerous dogs, but that "more needed to be done to raise awareness of the law and improve enforcement". What cannot be justified are new regulations that will be ignored by the owners of problem dogs, and only enforced on those owners of harmless dogs who are unknowingly in breach of them.

Simon Hart
Chief Executive

Hotmail, News, Sport, Music, Movies, Money, Cars, Shopping, Windows Live from MSN UK

Hotmail, News, Sport, Music, Movies, Money, Cars, Shopping, Windows Live from MSN UK

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Gundog Retriever Yuletide Mistletoe Recently Mated

We had a successful mating with Yuletide Mistletoe Call name Ruari.

Ruari has produced some very nice pups recently and we are currently awaiting the results of 4 recent matings.

For further information on gundog pedigrees, Gundog awards, Gundog health Certification, please visit our web site

BASC: See working dogs in action at Crufts 2010 -

BASC: See working dogs in action at Crufts 2010 -

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Shropshire Gundog Society Newsletter & Event Contacts

Lancashire & Mersey Field Trial Society - Gundog Tests

Lancs & Mersey have just issued the 2010 schedule for working tests, a great opportunity to join a very good society and meet new gundog friends.